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The Spiritual Development of Children

It is the conviction of the Board of Directors of St. John's Children's Center that the fullest spiritual development of children is holistic in nature, involving the child's nurture in the Christian environment provided by St. John's Children's Center.
Christian Values curriculum at St. John's Presbyterian Church is implemented in several ways:
  • Christian values—taught weekly in the classrooms.
St. John's Children's Center also participates in presented by the Christian Education Committee—the children gather in the sanctuary of St. John’s Presbyterian Church for music, a short lesson, and prayer each week.
  • A short prayer or blessing is said in the classroom before the children have their snacks and lunch. The prayers are child—focused and are often known by children.

​These Christian values are:

  • God is Creator of all.

  •  God loves, accepts and forgives us.

  • Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

  • Jesus Christ taught that God loves and forgives us and we in turn are to love, accept, and forgive others.

  •  All that we have comes from God. It shall further be the policy of the St. John's Children's Center, that while no parent or child shall be forced to embrace Christian teachings as a condition for a participation in the Children's Center, it is recognized that the Church stands firm in it's faith, and in making Christian teachings accessible makes no apology for it's stand.

  • It is understood that a well-organized program of Christian teaching for children is provided by the Christian Education Commission of the Church. Parents whose children attend the Children's Center are encouraged to enroll their children to participate in that program.

  • In making Christian teaching a part of the Children's Center program, the Church Staff will provide training for the Children's Center Staff and the Center may provide the following kinds of materials and activities: Make books visible and available in the Children's Center. Children's Bibles and books on prayer shall be available among books in the book center. Include Bible stories among those stories read to children. The frequency of such stories to be about once per week. Provide Bible games and puzzles among games and puzzles in the room. Include songs about Bible stories as a few among many which may be taught.

  • Ensure that prayer is said before snacks/lunch. Ensure that love, forgiveness, respect for oneself and care for each other are manifestations of Christian values within the Center. Invite the professional staff and church members for occasional visits and participation in the program. Parents and others are welcome to visit the Center, examine materials and discuss the activities.

  • Ensure that love, forgiveness, respect for oneself and care for each other are manifestations of Christian values within the Center.

  • Invite the professional staff and church members for occasional visits and participation in the program.

  • Parents and others are welcome to visit the Center, examine materials and discuss the activities.

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